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Transforming Indiana’s Employment Service System

Indiana segregates approximately 2,000 persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in sheltered workshops.  Although it has an Employment First policy, the State has continued to use Medicaid funds to support sheltered workshops.

CPR partnered with Indiana Disability Rights (IDR) to challenge the unnecessary segregation of persons with IDD in these workshops.  IDR completed a comprehensive report on Indiana’s employment service system, including interviews with over 140 providers, professionals, families, and sheltered workshop participants. 

A series of productive meetings occurred with State program staff, organized around seven key pillars for reform of the employment system.  CPR and IDR developed a plan to reduce segregated work and provide meaningful access to competitive integrated employment.  CPR also presented these reform strategies to stakeholder groups and representatives of Indiana’s employment advisory council.  After providing detailed comments on Indiana’s final Statewide employment plan, the parties agreed to a joint implementation process. 

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