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CPR Supports Bill Introduced to End Subminimum Wage for People with Disabilities

The Raise the Wage Act of 2019 (H.R. 582 in the House, S. 150 in the Senate) is a federal minimum wage bill that includes a phase out of subminimum wage for people with disabilities.

Currently people with disabilities are allowed to be paid less than minimum wage under Section 14c of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Companies can pay employees with disabilities as little as $1 an hour.  CPR along with the disability community are fighting hard to change this discriminatory law.

You can read more about important employment policy issues for people with disabilities here.


Disability Coalition Letters of Support

Raise The Wage CIE Coalition letter to House 

Raise The Wage CIE Coalition letter to Senate 

Read More About the Bill

Raise the Wage Fact Sheet

Section by Section Explanation

Raise the Wage Bill – the phase out of sub-minimum wage is in section six.

2019 Raise the Wage Act sign on statement of support for introduction (1.16.19)


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