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Center for Public Representation on the Recent Events of Hatred and Violence

The Center for Public Representation strongly condemns the recent events of hatred and violence.  We are committed to equality, diversity and social justice for all. Disability rights are civil rights and civil rights are disability rights. We stand together with all people seeking equality and the right to live in the community free from discrimination.  In these times, we must join together with our allies in solidarity opposing hatred and violence in any form.  As members of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities, we join in this statement:

Washington, DC, November 1, 2018 — The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), a coalition of over 100 national disabilities organizations, strongly condemns the indisputable rise of hate and intolerance occurring in our country right now. Two weeks ago pipe bombs were mailed to a number of Democratic leaders, including two past Presidents of the United States. Last week, a gunman murdered eleven people in a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh. In Kentucky, another gunman killed two Black Americans after trying to enter a Black church full of people. We have also seen a rise of hate crimes in general and numerous policies being proposed to weaken civil rights and to deny services for people of color, immigrants, LGBTQ, and other minority communities.

CCD is the largest coalition of national organizations working together to advocate for federal public policies that ensures the self-determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion of children and adults with all types of disabilities in all aspects of society. People with disabilities are also immigrants, LGBTQ, people of all colors, people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds. Disability rights are civil rights and civil rights are disability rights. We stand together with all people seeking equality and the right to live in the community free from discrimination.

CCD will continue to work with its allies in the civil and human rights community to defend against the rise of hate and intolerance. We call upon the leaders of the federal government to do the same.

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