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CPR and Partners Reach Agreement on Behalf of Persons with Mental Illness in Kansas Nursing Facilities

CPR and its partners, the Disability Rights Center of Kansas, AARP Foundation, and the law firm Shook, Hardy & Bacon, have reached an agreement with the State of Kansas to expand mental health services and provide more community residential options for individuals living in, or at risk of being admitted to, Nursing Facilities for Mental Health (NFMHs).

Under the agreement, over the next eight years the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services will develop and expand a wide range of mental health services for NFMH residents, as well as integrated community services throughout the state. The reforms will include the creation of several hundred supported housing units; mobile crisis and assertive community treatment teams; supported employment programs; and peer support services.


Read the press release announcing the Agreement here.

Read the Agreement here.

Read a summary of the Agreement here.

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