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CPR Releases Q&A on COVID-19 Vaccines

With generous support from Massachusetts Health Decisions, CPR has produced informational resources on COVID-19 vaccine safety, access, and supporting informed choice.  The conversation guide along with the plain language Q&A responds directly to questions posed by a diverse group of individuals with disabilities and family members during six listening sessions hosted by CPR in the winter of 2021.  Participants were invited by Massachusetts’ disability organizations including The Arc, the Boston Center for Independent Living, the Disability Policy Consortium, Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong, the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council, Massachusetts Families Organizing for Change, and the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health.  The Q&A contains a list of national and Massachusetts-specific resources where additional, updated information can be accessed. 

Read the CPR COVID-19 Q&A.

Read the conversation guide with tips for supporting informed choice.

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