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CPR’s Director of Supported Decision-Making Initiatives Elected Co-Chair of CCD Rights Task Force

Morgan Whitlatch, CPR’s new Director of Supported Decision-Making Initiatives, has been elected as co-chair of the Rights Task Force of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (soon to be renamed “Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities”) (CCD).  CCD is the largest coalition of national organizations working together to advocate for federal public policy that ensures the self-determination, independence, empowerment, integration, and inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of society. 

Morgan looks forward to continuing to advance the decision-making rights of people with disabilities through her leadership on this Task Force and its ad hoc committee, which is focused on implementing a federal strategy to advance Supported Decision-Making (SDM) and reform guardianship.  While the ad hoc committee supports efforts to improve guardianship processes, it is advocating for the prioritizing of strategies that encourage states and territories to divert their constituents away from guardianship systems and towards less restrictive options, including SDM. 

For more information about CPR’s federal recommendations around SDM, please read its October 2021 testimony to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution.

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