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Federal Court Grants Preliminary Approval to CPR’s Landmark Settlement Agreement

On April 23, 2024, federal Judge Nathaniel Gorton preliminarily approved the Settlement Agreement in Marsters v. Healey.  The court also provisionally certified a class of people with disabilities in nursing facilities, and approved a notice that will sent to all people in nursing facilities in Massachusetts.  Everyone will have until May 31, 2024 to file any objections to the Agreement with the federal court.  Judge Gorton has scheduled a hearing at 3:00 pm on June 17, 2024 to determine if the Agreement should be fully approved.  Anyone can contact CPR if they have questions about the Agreement.

The Settlement Agreement requires the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to provide in-reach, information and opportunities to learn about community living, and transition assistance to all people with disabilities in nursing facilities; to provide case management, specialized services, and rehabilitative services while they remain in these facilities; and to provide residential services to allow at least 2,400 people to transition to integrated settings in the community. 

The landmark settlement was highlighted on the front page of the Boston Globe.

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