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#FundMFP: We succeeded in the House! Call your Senators now!

Last night the House passed H.R. 3253, the Empowering Beneficiaries, Ensuring Access and Strengthening Accountability Act.  This bill funds the Money Follows the Person program through the Fiscal Year 2023.  It also extends the HCBS spousal impoverishment protections through March 31, 2024.  Thank you for your hard work in advocating to #FundMFP.

We now need the Senate to act!  Join our national call-in day and ask your Senators to #FundMFP.  We have a Facebook event with talking points to make it easy for you to call and spread the word or instructions are below.   Together we can get Congress to extend this critical program that has helped more than 90,000 people move back to the community!

To Call your Senators:

Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 (voice) or (202) 224-3091(tty) and ask to be connected to your senators.
Repeat. You can use this easy tool to find your members of Congress.

Easy Call Script:

Hello, this is [Name]. I’m a resident of [Town, State].

I am calling to ask Senator [INSERT NAME] to fund the Money Follow the Person (MFP) program.

MFP has enabled over 90,000 older adults and people with disabilities living in institutions to transition back to their communities.  MFP is fiscally responsible: it has improved the quality of life for thousands of individuals while saving states money. Congress passed stop-gap funding for the program in January 2019, but those funds will run out in September 2019.

I am asking [Senator’s Name] to cosponsor and support the EMPOWER Care Act (S. 548) and H.R. 3253 passed by the House and reauthorize Money Follows the Person Program.

Thank you for taking my call!

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address and zip code to ensure your call is tallied] [Optional Add On]

Personal stories are the most effective form of advocacy. Talk about why Money Follows the Person is important for you or someone you know and love.

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