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HCBS Advocacy Coalition Releases White Paper on Outcomes and Metrics to Support States’ Implementation of the HCBS Settings Rule

CPR and other members of the HCBS Advocacy Coalition, with support from the Community Living Policy Center, released a white paper to assist states and stakeholders in tracking progress and outcomes from implementation of the Medicaid Home and Community Based (HCBS) Settings Rule.  The Rule is designed to ensure that all people receiving HCBS have the full benefits of community living and, if implemented well, has the potential to improve the quality of Medicaid-funded HCBS systems at all levels: individual participants, providers, and state systems.

The Rule requires states to engage in ongoing monitoring throughout implementation and after to ensure ongoing compliance.  To this end, it is critical that state agencies and stakeholders have conversations about how to measure progress.  In an effort to support these conversations, the HCBS Advocacy Coalition brought together national subject matter experts to develop recommended outcomes and related metrics. The white paper discussing those recommendations is available here.

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