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Join in a Week of Action Opposing the Public Charge Rule!

The public charge rule will discriminate against immigrants with disabilities and their families trying to enter the U.S. (get a visa) or get a green card (become a permanent resident).  In collaboration with the disability community, Protecting Immigrant Families will focus this week on Health, Aging, and Disability in the broader campaign to unite public opposition and stop this rule.  Learn more about the public charge rule and what it means for people with disabilities with this grassroots explainer and a more detailed info sheet.  Here’s a link to help you comment on the rule.  Here’s a Social Media Toolkit to help you spread the word and encourage friends and family to comment on the rule. Join us and other disability advocates on twitter on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 2pm EST to #ProtectFamilies and help get the word out. Check back for here for updates on the public charge rule.

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