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Join us on Tuesday, March 9th for our “COVID-19 Vaccine & The Disability Community” Webinar

CPR along with our partners, Mass Advocates Standing Strong, The Arc of Massachusetts, The Boston Center for Independent Living, The Disability Policy Consortium, The Massachusetts Association for Mental Health, The Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council and Mass Families Organizing for Change held multiple virtual listening sessions the disability community’s questions and concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine. 

At the listening sessions we learned many of the participants had many questions about the vaccine, its rollout and about access issues. We are excited to announce that we are hosting a webinar for the disability community to address these questions, with public health and medical experts, and disability advocates in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, March 9th from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. During the webinar the panelists will address many of the questions and concerns the disability community has about the COVID-19 vaccine in order to help ensure that individuals have the information that they need in order to make an informed decision. 

Register now! 

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