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The next coronavirus bill is being developed now! Help us make sure disability community priorities are included!

On March 27, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). While the final bill contains some disability community priorities, there are many more that weren’t addressed. The next coronavirus bill is currently being developed so now is our chance to make sure the next bill includes the critical disability priorities that were missing in the CARES Act.

Those include additional grant funding for the home and community-based services (HCBS) on which many people with disabilities rely; inclusive paid leave; a way for all people who are not normally required to file taxes to easily receive the direct cash assistance “recovery rebates”; and ensuring everyone has access to the medication they need throughout the COVID-19 outbreak.

We’re asking you to please take action now to bring attention to these issues. Take part in the following weeks of action using the hashtag #WeAreEssential:

Week of 4/6/20: Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Please continue posting about HCBS during the other weeks of action as well!

Many people with disabilities rely on HCBS to receive the care they need in their community, rather than an institution. It has always been crucial to ensure people with disabilities can access HCBS, but during this outbreak, when congregate settings especially vulnerable to spread of coronavirus, it is particularly critical to support those who receive HCBS and the direct care workers who provide those services.

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Week of 4/13/20: Paid Family and Medical Leave

This week is meant to target both members of Congress and the Department of Labor (DOL)

Ask Congress to expand emergency paid leave (not just paid sick leave) for people with disabilities who need to self-isolate and to ensure that caregivers other than parents can take time off to be there for their loved ones. Caregivers are also currently paid at a lower rate than everyone else. Please ask for them to receive the same pay for leave as others!

Ask DOL to allow health care workers to take paid leave if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 to protect everyone, expand paid leave for all caregivers who need to care for someone who must be in self-isolation (they currently only receive sick leave), and ensure that caregivers can use leave intermittently.

Sample Tweets:

Week of 4/20/20: Stimulus/Supplemental Security Income/Veterans Benefits

Along with #WeAreEssential, you can use #FixTheGlitch

While IRS and the Social Security Administration made sure people who receive Social Security benefits (which ARE NOT the same as Social Security Income (SSI)) can receive the “recovery rebates” without having to file taxes, the same was not done for those who receive SSI and Veterans benefits who are not normally required to file taxes.

Sample Tweets:

Week of 4/27/20: Access to Medication

While many states have taken action to make sure people have access to the medication they need throughout this crisis, not all of them have.

Please ask governors and state insurance commissioners to:

Sample Tweets:

You can use this tool to easily tweet your members of Congress or Congressional leadership.

For more on what was and was not included in the CARES Act, check out the list we’ve put together here, and we have several webpages dedicated to the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on people with disabilities that you can find here that explore topics including related legislation and Medicaid waivers, medical rationing, and more.

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