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Update on the Implementation of the Marsters v. Healey Settlement Agreement – Year 1

On October 1, 2024, CPR, its co-counsel, and a number of state officials met for the first quarterly meeting required by the Agreement. Secretaries, Commissioners, and senior staff from all relevant agencies presented status updates on each program required by the Agreement. The Commonwealth shared an initial, abbreviated data report prior to the meeting which indicated that over 1,200 people had been provided in-reach and information, over 750 people with SMI were provided behavioral health care coordination and case management, and 720 people had enrolled in the MFP Demonstration during the three months since the Agreement was initially signed (April-June 2024). The Commonwealth will share new policies on informed choice, contractual requirements for ensuring cultural competency, and recent documents for each program as soon as possible, and follow-up meetings will be scheduled as needed during the next two months.

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