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Watch our “COVID-19 Vaccines & The Disability Community” Webinar

COVID-19 Vaccines & The Disability Community

On March 9th, 2021, CPR hosted the “COVID-19 & The Disability Community” webinar. Approximately 200 participants had the opportunity to listen from several panelists including Dr. Atyia Martin, Dr. Cheri Blauwet, Dr. Regina Larocque, and Nassira Nicola. The panelists sought to demystify the COVID-19 vaccine, clarify misinformation, and address its many facets including safety, efficacy and the hesitancy in receiving it. The webinar also focused on resources for Massachusetts residents seeking vaccination appointments. Participants had their questions answered during the live session and in follow up.

With generous support from Massachusetts Health Decisions, CPR is fortunate to have hosted such a valuable presentation by informed and knowledgeable panelists who offered guidance and support to individuals with disabilities and their communities. Watch the captioned recording of the webinar.

Screen reader version of follow up Q & A.

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