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House Passes Bill to End Subminimum Wages for People with Disabilities! Join Us to Keep the Momentum Going!

Last week, the House passed the Raise the Wage Act.  This federal minimum wage bill makes clear that EVERYONE deserves a fair and living wage; it would eliminate subminimum wages to people with disabilities under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.  This is the first time a chamber of Congress has voted for equal wages for people with disabilities!

Let’s keep the momentum going!  Let’s thank our members of Congress who support equal wages and ask them also to support expanding capacity for competitive integrated employment!

Every Tuesday this summer, ask your members of Congress to support and co-sponsor the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act (TCEA).  The TCEA (H.R. 873 in the House and S. 260 in the Senate) is a bi-partisan bill that will expand opportunities for competitive integrated employment – community jobs where people with disabilities work alongside co-workers without disabilities and are paid the same wages – and phase out the outdated and discriminatory payment of subminimum wages to people with disabilities currently allowed under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

The TCEA will address barriers to employment for people with disabilities by providing $300 million in capacity-building grants and technical assistance to expand opportunities for competitive integrated employment while phasing out subminimum wages over six years. The bill will help states and 14(c) certificate holders (businesses that pay workers with disabilities subminimum wages) transform their business models to more integrated and innovative approaches to disability employment.

Ask your members of Congress to support and co-sponsor the TCEA.  Please visit the TCEA Call-In Tuesday Facebook Event or this page to learn more about the TCEA.

#WorkWithUs to get Congress to expand opportunities for competitive integrated employment and end subminimum wages!  

How to Reach Your Members of Congress:

  1. Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 (voice) or (202) 224-3091(tty) and ask to be connected to your Representatives and Senators.
  2. Repeat. You can use this easy tool to find your members of Congress.

Easy Call Script:

Hello, this is [Name]. I’m a resident of [Town, State].

I am your constituent. Please support and co-sponsor the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act (H.R. 873/S. 260). This bill will help address barriers to employment of people with disabilities. It provides funding and technical assistance to states and providers to expand capacity for competitive integrated employment while carefully phasing out over six years the ability of businesses to pay people with disabilities below the minimum wage – often pennies on the dollar — under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The bill will help businesses using 14(c) certificates transform into competitive, integrated workplaces where people with disabilities work alongside people without disabilities and get paid equal pay for equal work. Just like everyone else, people with disabilities want to work, live independently, and be self-sufficient. Support and co-sponsor the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act to improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities!

Thank you for taking my call!

[IF YOU ARE LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address and zip code to ensure your call is tallied] [OPTIONAL ADD ON] Personal stories are the most effective form of advocacy. Talk about why the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act is important for you or someone you know and love.
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